and going strong!

Berean Jr. Academy 1st Grade Class - 1965
Berean Christian Junior Academy is one of metro Atlanta’s oldest educational institution providing quality education since 1906. Throughout its rich history, the founders, and subsequently its caretakers and dedicated parents, recognized the need of ensuring a Christ-centered education for students in the region.
It was a time when “Jim Crow” laws prevailed in the post-Reconstruction South. Separate and “unequal” schools were ingrained in the laws of the land (Plessy vs Ferguson).
The year was 1906 when the progressive congregation of the Second Seventh-Day Adventist (SDA) Church realized their dream to establish what is now the oldest Christ-centered elementary and middle church school in Atlanta, Georgia. Under the leadership of their pastor, George E. Peters, a two-room, multi-graded school was established on Greenferry Avenue, adjacent to the church. In 1929, the congregation moved to 105 Ashby Street, SW when the Atlanta University bought the Mission School and the church buildings.
The school became known in Atlanta for academic excellence and outgrew the facilities. Ministers, doctors, attorneys, judges, teachers, accountants and many strong leaders and citizens of the Atlanta community have attended our schools. With the growth of the church and the school, the emboldened members of Berean (the church’s name changed) added kindergarten and spawned the college preparatory high school, the Greater Atlanta Adventist Academy (GAAA)*
After the turn of the century, the vision to build and complete a 50,000 square-foot facility was realized and on this campus is housed Berean Christian Junior Academy, GAAA and the Berean Christian Day Care, an early learning center. These three schools exist to equip students to “embrace a Christ-centered worldview, grow as servant leaders and steward God’s unique purpose for their lives.
We are grateful for the God-inspired vision of pioneers who dreamed and who moved forward with bold courage. It is our desire to continue the pursuit of excellence with Christ-centered academics as we transform hearts and minds to embrace Christ-centered worldview.
*Under the aegis of the South Atlanta Conference of Seventh-Day Adventists